25 March 2023


New photo for an older post.  Check out Substack to find out.

My posts can now be found on my new Substack.  Reports from Berkeley

I spent the past few days importing all my posts from this blog that I have written in the past three years.  The overall look of Substack is lovely, and much easier to navigate than this blog.

Please take a look and subscribe for free. 

15 March 2023

Bob's Cartoons

Bob Moran produces the most outstanding political commentary through his brilliant art, and also with his words.

The other day, in just a few sentences, he summarized my exact thoughts.

They made sure you had all the information you needed,
every step of the way, to know it was total nonsense.
Therefore, when so many of you failed to reach that conclusion, they knew you had lost your capacity for rational, ethical thought.
Which was precisely what they needed.

   Video of Bob Moran, the man and his work:  Brilliantly Difficult    Bob's Site

Please take a look at his work. (I don't want to break copywrite by posting here.)

Thank you, Bob.

07 March 2023

Hope for Our J6 Prisoners

I wrote the following back in November 2021. 

Yes, the USA has Political Prisoners

It would seem that the false, January 6th insurrection narrative, may finally come to an end. I will believe it when those convicted, and those still in pre-trial detention, are set free and their convictions expunged. 

For those who grew up in the turbulent 60's, we clearly saw the set-up that played out on Jan 6. Yet many of those same people have remained silent for over two years. Perhaps now they will again see the light.

Agent Provocateur

26 February 2023

State of Emergency Finally Lifted in CA


After three long years, on 28 February, HRH Governor Gavin Newsome, will relinquish his control over the State.

“California’s pandemic response saved tens of thousands of lives, protected the economy, distributed nation-leading financial assistance and built up an unprecedented public health infrastructure,” states the official government page. The notice is one lie after another, which I can’t be bothered to contest. 

End of State of Emergency

In reality, these measures have wrought nothing but destruction to lives and businesses. What else can one say when a third of restaurants closed for good? Or when one million people in service industries lost their jobs? Or when a third to one-half of all small businesses are gone forever? Yet Gavin thinks he saved the State.

Then there are the schools, which to me is one of the biggest crimes committed by the State of California. Children were banned from schools for over two years. When they returned, they were forced to wear masks, sit six feet away from their peers, and surround their desks with plastic enclosures. The result will be irreparable harm for an entire generation of children.

Although the State of Emergency and the governor’s powers may have been dropped, the mindset in a good part of the state remains the same. After three years of terrifying the public, most will not let go of the fear.

School districts can no longer mandate covid jabs, but that does not stop them for promoting the poison. Parents are encouraged to inject their children, 6 months and above, to save humanity. In exchange, some districts offer a $25 gift card from Target. A great exchange for poisoning their little ones.

The state continues to push Covid testing, worthless as it is, along with masking.  I cannot see a time when any of this will end.

I know people who still will not leave their homes for anything other than food shopping or medical appointments. And that is only done with several face masks and gloves. One cannot walk the streets, or enter a place of business, without running into masked, frightened people.

The airways continue to blast covid panic-vax-porn.  This may be one of the most egregious ads I've seen in a while; a Native American physicians' group, AAIP, encouraging jabbing small babies. 

AAIP physician discusses COVID-19 vaccine and boosters for Native American children - YouTube

I could blame Gavin for destroying the State, which he had a large hand in doing. However, the fault also lies with the citizens who went along with all the restrictions and mandates and continue to do so.

The once beautiful Golden State is dying. I do not believe it will ever recover, or certainly not in my lifetime.




11 January 2023

Ban Those Gas Stoves

The country is in a tizzy over Biden’s plan to ban gas stoves. As per usual, the entire nation is playing catch-up to The People’s Republic of Berkeley. Always at the forefront of the most insane policies, Berserkey instituted a natural gas prohibition on all new structures that went into effect this year.

The city’s Green Building Requirements also mandate solar panels and EV chargers for all new homes as well as other, equally ridiculous, conditions for construction.

Green Building Requirements

All the cool kids have already installed solar panels and brag about how their electric bills are close to zero. They ignore that it will be twenty years before they break even on the cost, or that at the end of that time they will need to install new panels, and the old will be buried in landfill to contaminate the earth.

Should I point out the volumes of evidence proving that their Planet Saving efforts are, in fact, more harmful to the earth than fossil fuels, I am ignored. What about all the rare earth mineral mining involving child and slave labor in deplorable conditions? Or the slave camps that produce those lovely solar panels in China? How about the Bald Eagles and many other birds that are being slaughtered daily by wind turbines? And how, I ask, are all those delightful Green Technologies recycled?

It is simply impossible to even discuss the matter. They are right. I am wrong. No conversation to be had.

Berkeley has always led the way in progressive city laws to control the people. There is the Soda Tax and the ban on cigarette sales, to name a few. With all those health measures one would presume that it is a city filled with healthy, happy people. It is not.

From the huge population of homeless, drug-addicted, mentally ill individuals camped throughout the city, to the obese children and adults waddling down the streets, it is not a pretty sight.

But thank goodness they can't buy cigarettes and have to pay a tax on their Coca-Colas.