The long-anticipated sequel to A Neapolitan Intrigue, is finally here.
A Dangerous Heirloom is now available on Amazon. For those that have Amazon KU, pick up a free copy today. For everyone else, there will be a Free promo from 23-17 November.
From the back cover:
A culinary course, museum visits, exploring history in
Naples, Italy – what more could Letty ask for? Six months have passed since the
retired linguist last found herself in the middle of an investigation with ex-Interpol
coworkers and friends, Taylor and Jim. When they call to request a bit of
translation help, Letty happily accepts.
A trip to a hillside villa, and the story of a necklace gone
missing around the Second World War, is certainly an intriguing tale, but Letty
is happy to leave the sleuthing up to her friends. Afterall, she’s just a translator.
That is, until she is unexpectedly thrown into the mix, and someone thinks she
knows more than she does.
Why is she a target? And who, exactly, means to do her harm?
Which of the local families that keep popping up is after her?
Then there’s that tall, fine-looking, smooth-talking chef, who
may have designs on her… or is it the other way around? But can he be trusted? What
is he hiding? Might he be part of a criminal family?
Faced with these questions, Letty can either wait for her
friends to figure it all out or she can do her own reconnaissance. Honestly,
all she really wants is to be able to cook that pizza without burning the crust
and leave the covert world behind.