31 October 2021

Worshipping at the Altar of Climate Change

All the big boys and gals are currently in Glasgow to Protect the Future of the Planet.  They say that the world is going to end in ten years. I should be shaking in my rain boots…. or is it in my flip-flops?  Deluge or desert? The scenario changes every few years so it’s hard to keep up.

No, droughts are not increasing, neither are floods nor hurricanes. Video clips of forests burning and tornados whipping, and rivers breeching their banks, are not scientific proof of anything, let alone a Climate Crisis.

But if you yell loud enough that The Sky is Falling, and then get rich, entitled idiots to mouth off, accompanied by business moguls who stand to make a fortune in green snake oil, and follow that by doomsday-prophet-mentally-questionable teenagers, you set yourself up for a weeklong holiday in Glasgow. Oh goodie!

Green Energy is anything but green. It is nothing but a profiteering ploy to build wind turbines and batteries that will never be the answer to efficient energy. Rather than list the reasons behind this statement, I’ll leave it to the smart people at Prager U, with two, short, succinct videos.

Do We Have to Destory the World to Save it?

What's Wrong ith Wind and Solar

Even though this information is readily available for all those PhD smart folks in my famous university town, you’d never know it walking down the street and watching the solar panels go up, or the new Teslas in driveways. The Intelligentsia have bought into Green World Order hook line and sinker. Sinker being the operative word.

It strikes me as insanely bizarre that the hardcore, self-proclaimed environmentalists, that thrive in every nook and cranny of my town, live and breathe the false narrative of electric cars and solar panels. As outlined in the Prager U videos, both are devastating to the environment and its critters. Those batteries need rare earth minerals, which equals mining, which turns into a myriad of environmental disasters. And when the batteries die, and the wind turbines expire, they cannot be recycled. So what have the Greenies accomplished? Worse than nothing. Major damage.

But getting back to the Glasgow party scene, I wondered just how much money the US government is shelling out for our officials to hobnob with the elites who have never taken a cold shower in their life, nor gone without a meal. I suppose I could come up with an estimate, but that would be too depressing.

Meanwhile, our country is being flushed down the toilet of Socialism, inflation is raging, store shelves are empty. All the while a third of our Cabinet members are kicking up their heels and tossing backs shots of single malt.

Off the coast of Southern California, we have a parking lot full of cargo containers. One would think our Secretary of Transportation would be working 24/7 to resolve the issue. But Mayor Pete decided it was far better to extend his months-long paternity leave by jetting off across the globe.

While Americans are battling inflation, the Secretary of the Treasury felt it  necessary to take a fancy flight, book into a five-star hotel, and visit Scotland.

Along with them are the Secretary of state, the National Economic Council Director, the Energy Secretary, and the Interior Secretary. The USAID and EPA administrators, and all their hundreds of support staff.  Last but not least, the biggest hypocrite of them all, or at least second to Al Gore, John Kerry. I won’t bother to discuss Biden and his motorcade of 85 gas-guzzling cars.

Will the world ever wake up to the false prophecies of the Green Soothsayers? Certianly not in my neighborhood.


I strongly recommend the site Environmental Progress, and especially this page:

The Case Against Climate Alarmism

21 October 2021

Thank You Mr. Shatner


I love the moon and the stars and the heavens above. For years I dreamed of being an interstellar traveler. I knew that true space exploration would occur well past my expiration date, but it did not matter. I devoured science fiction books to experience extraterrestrial flight and life on other worlds. When Star Trek rolled onto the evening television screens, I was their number one fan. Suddenly, my imagination had been realized on a weekly series that transported me to all those places I would never be able to visit.

Thus, it was extremely fitting when Captain Kirk, yet again, spoke to me over the communication device and opened my mind to a concept that I had never once considered.

William Shatner stepped off the Blue Origin, and wisdom flowed from this lips. We all assume that flying beyond the stratosphere will be quite a mind altering experience. However, I never once considered that the words of an astronaut would so deeply touch my being.

Mr. Shatner spoke of the profound effect of travelling between the blue of earth and the darkness of space. As he continued to speak, I felt dumbfounded. I have always known that we have blue skies. I have always known that space is black. But I had never once considered that one goes from blue to black in an instant, and the sheer magnitude of that effect on one’s soul. Once again, I was at one with Captain Kirk.

Thank you Mr. Shatner for taking me where man has gone before, but where no man has ever expressed it more eloquently.

My little bit of Science Fiction: Travels to the 14th Galaxy

13 October 2021

Eve of Destruction

The eastern world, it is exploding

Violence flaring, bullets loading

You’re old enough to kill, but not for voting

You don’t believe in war but what’s that gun you’re toting

And even the Jordon River has bodies floating

But you tell me over and over again, my friend

Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction*

*P.F. Sloane


Eve of Destruction, released in the summer of 1965, became the unofficial anthem of many a Flower Child, myself included. The beautiful lyrics and enchanting melody captured the spirit of those of us who had grown up with the Free Speech Movement and anti-war protests in our own backyard.

I remember the feeling of despair we all had during those days – that the world was headed off a cliff.  However, there is no comparison to what is presently taking place. This time it truly feels that we are on that Eve of Destruction.

The Great Reset is underway. The plan, created by the World Economic Forum, (WEF), aims to fundamentally change the social and economic world landscape through global governance. How we got to this point, within such a short amount of time, is rather frightening. However, it is far from a mystery.

The Great Reset has been the topic of discussion by a wide-ranging group of concerned global citizens who regularly warn of the dangers the WEF poses to the world. That they have been ignored by the mainstream media and big tech only serves to show just how deeply the tentacles of the WEF reach. Look to the origins of the lockdowns and government overreach, and the WEF is there.

The world, after over a year and a half, is still consumed with a questionable pandemic. Yes, Covid-19 is a real virus, but has a low rate of mortality especially when treated early with therapeutics. That such early intervention has been maligned, along with the censorship of scientists and doctors, for the sake of an experimental vaccine should alarm every person on the planet. It did not happen by accident.

With a steady diet of fear-mongering, aided and abetted by the media, big tech, the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO, the entire world’s population was convinced that they would never be able to leave their house until a vaccine was on the market. People happily went along with the lack of all safety protocols for vaccine development if it meant “freedom” from a self-imposed lockdown. The WEF has its hands in all these government organizations either directly, or through its members. Their contribution to the current state of affairs cannot be overstated.

As vaccine data began to come out, US governmental bodies, the media, and big tech continued to sow the seeds of fear by ignoring the data of vaccine death and harm. Whereas in the past such data would have resulted in the vaccine immediately being pulled off the market, it was ignored. To date, the media still refuses to accurately report the death count and harm to fully vaccinated individuals. Neither do they report the rise of variants caused by virus mutation in the vaccinated.  Again, this omission of data and truth is not by accident.

Most alarming is that anyone with an opposing view, even when backed by medical papers and statistics, is silenced. And now we are destroying young, healthy people and children by insisting they need a deadly vaccine against a disease for which they are basically not at risk.

I had hoped the world would come to its senses yet here we are, in the fall of 2021, with vaccine mandates increasing with every newscast.

Daily, I question why it appears that those with whom I interact are not even remotely aware of what is transpiring in today’s world. So consumed are they with the latest Covid variant and case count, that they do not see the bigger picture. They do not see that the authoritarianism, medical tyranny, abandonment of our constitutional rights, and the bowing down to global subjugation, is threatening our very way of life.

If I should mention any of the characters at the fore of this crusade, e.g. George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, or The World Economic Forum (WEF), I get a look of total bewilderment. These are the people and organizations that are in league to restructure world order with the express purpose of enslaving the rest of us peons. It is not a fantastical science fiction theory. It is real and it is here.

The WEF and The Gates Foundation have never hidden their intentions, although they couch their ideologies in eloquent terms that promote world peace and salvation. One does not need secret agents nor a top secret security clearance to find out their exact objectives. They are proud of their tactics to reshape and control the world, and publish it in plain sight.

Take, for example, The World Economic Forum. Established in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, it seeks to engage “the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry standards.”* In other words, the WEF has appointed themselves as the arbiter of What is Right for Mankind.

The question is how these globalist elites are connected with Covid-19, the deadly experimental vaccine, and the surrender of all our rights that we used to hold dear. How easily the world has unknowingly given over their human rights to these organizations is astonishing.

As stated above, Klaus Schwab, in collaboration with other megalomaniacs, has been building for the Great Reset for decades. What he and his cohorts needed was a way to achieve such a takeover, such as create a global crisis. What better way than a worldwide health crisis?  They certainly had planned for it.

These were some of their preparations:

1. In 2018, WEF partnered with Johns Hopkins to run a simulation of a global pandemic. Their results found that there would be catastrophic repercussions.

2. In 2019, the WEF, Johns Hopkins, teamed with the Gates Foundation to run Event 201, another global pandemic simulation.

3. In March 2020, the WHO officially declares a world pandemic.

It was now time for the WEF, The Gates Foundation, and others, to go forward with their plans. They needed a terrified world to initiate their control, and with the release of the Covid-19 bioweapon, they were set.

It is hard to say what part, if any, WEF or Gates had in the release. I prefer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s* supposition which is that as soon the WHO proclaimed a global pandemic, the Globalists saw their chance and pounced.

Their influence and control guided world governments into instituting unnecessary lockdowns. With loyalists like Gates and others in big pharma, combined with additional help from big tech and big media, it was then a simple task to push for the manufacture of covid vaccines.

Many foresaw the day when a digital covid passport would become mandatory. It is now a reality for a good part of the world. How entire populaces could so easily give up their rights to freedom of movement and medical autonomy is shocking. We have willingly entered into the realm of biometric tracking.

What I have yet to figure out, or find reference to, is how the WEF is tied in with China. I cannot see them ceding even a microscopic piece of power to the CCP. Or perhaps they their influence with the CDC and NIH was only to create a bioweapon. We may never know.  

My only hope is that the world wakes up and wakes up soon. The mass protests in other countries are cause for optimism. We do not have those in the United States partly becuase we do not have the same type of centralized goverment. But it heartens me that some people are beginning to fight the vaccine mandates. 

Regrettably, the harm done by the vaccines is here to stay. Whether or not it will this will lead to some rather horrific outcomes, remains to be seen. Still, we can prevent any more damage if we simply stand up to those who mean us harm.

WEF Mission Statement

Great Reset WEF paper

Dr. Fuellmich

Great video by Dr. McCullough, Oct 2021 Dr. McCullough

EVE OF DESTRUCTION     (background music)