31 October 2021

Worshipping at the Altar of Climate Change

All the big boys and gals are currently in Glasgow to Protect the Future of the Planet.  They say that the world is going to end in ten years. I should be shaking in my rain boots…. or is it in my flip-flops?  Deluge or desert? The scenario changes every few years so it’s hard to keep up.

No, droughts are not increasing, neither are floods nor hurricanes. Video clips of forests burning and tornados whipping, and rivers breeching their banks, are not scientific proof of anything, let alone a Climate Crisis.

But if you yell loud enough that The Sky is Falling, and then get rich, entitled idiots to mouth off, accompanied by business moguls who stand to make a fortune in green snake oil, and follow that by doomsday-prophet-mentally-questionable teenagers, you set yourself up for a weeklong holiday in Glasgow. Oh goodie!

Green Energy is anything but green. It is nothing but a profiteering ploy to build wind turbines and batteries that will never be the answer to efficient energy. Rather than list the reasons behind this statement, I’ll leave it to the smart people at Prager U, with two, short, succinct videos.

Do We Have to Destory the World to Save it?

What's Wrong ith Wind and Solar

Even though this information is readily available for all those PhD smart folks in my famous university town, you’d never know it walking down the street and watching the solar panels go up, or the new Teslas in driveways. The Intelligentsia have bought into Green World Order hook line and sinker. Sinker being the operative word.

It strikes me as insanely bizarre that the hardcore, self-proclaimed environmentalists, that thrive in every nook and cranny of my town, live and breathe the false narrative of electric cars and solar panels. As outlined in the Prager U videos, both are devastating to the environment and its critters. Those batteries need rare earth minerals, which equals mining, which turns into a myriad of environmental disasters. And when the batteries die, and the wind turbines expire, they cannot be recycled. So what have the Greenies accomplished? Worse than nothing. Major damage.

But getting back to the Glasgow party scene, I wondered just how much money the US government is shelling out for our officials to hobnob with the elites who have never taken a cold shower in their life, nor gone without a meal. I suppose I could come up with an estimate, but that would be too depressing.

Meanwhile, our country is being flushed down the toilet of Socialism, inflation is raging, store shelves are empty. All the while a third of our Cabinet members are kicking up their heels and tossing backs shots of single malt.

Off the coast of Southern California, we have a parking lot full of cargo containers. One would think our Secretary of Transportation would be working 24/7 to resolve the issue. But Mayor Pete decided it was far better to extend his months-long paternity leave by jetting off across the globe.

While Americans are battling inflation, the Secretary of the Treasury felt it  necessary to take a fancy flight, book into a five-star hotel, and visit Scotland.

Along with them are the Secretary of state, the National Economic Council Director, the Energy Secretary, and the Interior Secretary. The USAID and EPA administrators, and all their hundreds of support staff.  Last but not least, the biggest hypocrite of them all, or at least second to Al Gore, John Kerry. I won’t bother to discuss Biden and his motorcade of 85 gas-guzzling cars.

Will the world ever wake up to the false prophecies of the Green Soothsayers? Certianly not in my neighborhood.


I strongly recommend the site Environmental Progress, and especially this page:

The Case Against Climate Alarmism